Automatic messenger ( on Google Play

WhoIs for ''
Automatic Messenger is an application that informs another person of your arrival by automatically sending an unattended eMail or SMS to him/her.You can tell a person (or group of people) of your arrival, for example, while you are driving.You'll no longer have to do missed calls to warn of your arrival or departure.You can set the number of alerts to be sent while you are on route, and the distance at which the alerts will be sent.The application uses your Gmail account to send the email messages (the sent email only works with gmail accounts) and your default messaging application for SMS. The alert messages can be emails, SMS or both of them.The other person will receive an alert that indicates how far you are from the destination, what time was the alert sent at and also, it will have a attached screenshot of the map with the destination (only on email alerts).Note that your distance to the destination is calculated by the GPS from your current position to the destination point in a straight line.When you cross the 30 meters border distance to the destination, a new alert message will be sent, indicating that you have reached the destination point.