Float Clock (com.psc.fukumoto.FloatClock) on Google Play

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This is Clock application displayed as it has floated on other applications by overlay. When start application, please slide a screen top and adjust the position of a battery display. A position can also be numerically specified by "Input position" of Menu. Size can be specified in"Input size" of Menu, and also scaling of it is possible in a multi-touch.Image is used to the background by "Select image" of Menu . When Image cannot be read or is not specified, the background color of Preference is used. When horizontal length changes that a screen is longwise, it is displayed on the relative position from a reference position. For example, it is fixable to the upper right side by setting to a "Right" and an "Top". [Preference]You can change* Use float view* Base position of horizontal and vertical* Color of Number and Shadow* Color of Background* Distance of Shadow* Display of date, year, day of week* Japanese year* Display of zero* Draw one line* 12 hour clock* Use external font and font file name* Color of Edit View* Touch on off- It operates since Android1.6. - It is a confirmed operation by N-04C,SH-12C.