Theme - Android Lollipop CM11 (com.quantumdust.lcm11) on Google Play

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~ The Best Theme of Android Lollipop! ~ This theme is Only compatible with the CM Theme Engine (CM11/PA/CARBON/PAC...).● Android L is a fantastic theme inspired by the new Android Lollipop ●● A completely new interface that will revolutionize your phone! ●● The theme is constantly updated! ● ~ Theme Customizations from Android Lollipop ~✔ UI Elements (Toast, Button, Dialog, CheckBox...) ✔ Keyboard✔ Navigation Bar Icons✔ Notification Bar✔ Action Bar✔ BootAnimation✔ Icon✔ Wallpaper✔ Lockscreen ✔ ROBOTO Font✔ Ringtones / Alarms / Notifications ✔ And many other customizations!  • The theme will appear in the themes list and not in the app drawer. ~ How to apply the theme ~✔ Go to Settings -> Themes and choose the Android Lollipop theme.✔ After setting the theme or after an update, restart the phone to display the theme correctly.