JQUERY tutorial (com.redait.jquery.tutorial.paq) on Google Play

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JQUERY TutorialLearn jquery in 14 simple lessons with examplesJQUERY TutorialJQUERY is a javascript library that simplifies the interaction with HTML documents, providing access to its elements, events, interactions with style sheets, effects, animation, and integration with AJAX. 1.- JQUERY Load2.- JQUERY syntax From JQUERY is easy to access to any HTML element and perform some action on that item.3.- JQUERY Position4.- JQUERY Selectors5.- JQUERY Events. Types of events: Events held with the mouse : click, dblclick, mouseenter, mouseleave Events held with the keyboard : keypress, keydown, keyup Events held on a form element types : submit, change, focus, blur Past events on the document or the window : load, resize, scroll, unload6.- JQUERY show The show effect can display anything HMTL 7.- JQUERY hide The hide effect to hide any HTML element 8.- JQUERY toggle The toggle effect toggles between hide effect and show effect. 9.- JQUERY fade For the fade effect there are 4 possibilities: fadeIn, fadeOut, fadeToggle and fadeTo10.- JQUERY slide For the slide effect there are 3 possibilities: slideDown, slideUp and slideToggle11.- JQUERY animate The animate() effect lets you create your own animations. 12.- JQUERY stop The stop effect serves to stop the animation that is taking effect and leave at that point of the animation. 13.- JQUERY callback The parameter callback to define that function executes when an effect has completely finished.14.- JQUERY chaining