Transmission GUI trial (com.rsa.transgui) on Google Play

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Transmission GUI is a feature rich µTorrent-like front-end to remotely control a Transmission Bit-Torrent client daemon via its RPC protocol. Transmission GUI is faster and has more functionality than the built-in Transmission web interface. It provides almost all available functions supported by Transmission RPC protocol.Short features list:- Fastest data retrival speed- SSL connection support- Multiple hosts support- Download information Widget: displays torrents processing progress and speeds- Download complete notifications- Select files when adding new torrent- File browser feature when adding local torrents- Browse folders on server for data location- Flexible torrent filter- Chose fields to display- Simple speed throttle control- Group operations with torrent and files- Add torrent by URL, magnet link or file- Set torrents and files priority- Chose files to download/skip- Automatic refresh- Full torrent properties report- UTF-8 support in file names and filterPro version features:- Trackers control: add, delete, sort, group operations- Torrent properties control- Full Transmission options control- Sorting of torrents and files by any field- Torrents queue control- Move torrent(s) data to other location- Transmission statistics report