Konvertr - Unit Converter (com.runedrune.konvertr) on Google Play

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A small and simple conversion app, designed to be as minimalistic as possible. It contains over 420 different units to convert between, spread over 45 different categories, with more units and categories coming soon. The converter requires zero permissions to function and also features an option to change the number of decimal places you want the answer to go up till.Free categories:- Angles- Area- Data Storage- Energy- Force- Fuel Consumption- Length- Power- Pressure- Speed- Temperature- Time- Volume- WeightPaid Categories:- Current- Data Transfer- Illumination- Prefixes- Sound- Torque- Typography- Acceleration- Angular Acceleration- Blood Sugar- Charge- Circle- Concentration (Molar)- Concentration (Solution)- Density- DNA Length- Digital Image Resolution- Electric Conductance- Electric Conductivity- Electric Field Strength, Electric Potential- Electric Resistance - Electrostatic Capacitance- Enzyme- Flow- Flow - Mass- Flow - Molar- Fractions and Percentage- Frame Rate- Fuel Efficiency - Mass.Twitter: https://twitter.com/runedruneapps