LGHome LG theme Lock Circle (com.sajithemes.lglock) on Google Play

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This theme works on LGHome and LGHome3 stock launchers of LG devices plus NOVA APEX AWD. Might also work on other launchers too but NOT TESTED.This theme is made specially for LGG2, Optimus G, Pro and other LG Phones based on LG HomeAlmost 1000 plus beautiful Icons, Ton's of icons to choose from... (most of the top apps have been themed)Theme also supports Icons masking for supported Launchers. (it will make the icons look like themed where icons are not present e.g. see pic4). Icon Masking DOES NOT WORK on LG stock Launcher.Installation Instructions for LGHOME: (See video)Install the themePress HOME Button (OPEN button does nothing)Go To home >> Press Menu>> Themes and Select the theme installed.OR Settings >> Display>> Homescreen >> Select the theme installed (Phones settings may vary)For Others LaunchersApply theme from Launcher settings... Please Rate/Write reviews when you get a chance. Thank you for your support.If you have any questions please feel free to email us.