Currency Converter (com.smartwho.SmartCurrencyConverter) on Google Play

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Currency Converter(Flag Version)● Currency Converter USD,EUR,AUD,BGN,BRL, CAD,CHF,CNY,CZK,DKK, EEK,GBP,HKD,HRK,HUF, IDR,INR,JPY,KRW,LTL, LVL,MXN,MYR,NOK,NZD, PHP,PLN,RON,RUB,SEK, SGD,THB,TRY,ZAR- Real-time update rate● Currency Chart Provides the base currency and exchange rates charts. (1 day, 5 days, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 3 years, 5 years)● Currency ListCurrency List● Settings - Currency Converter Overview Currency Converter provides introductions and a brief guide - Currency Converter settings set the status bar set the background theme Options Services shortcut links - Frequently used part of the instrument settings volume control the screen brightness wireless network set my location (network, GPS) Bluetooth Settings language set the date and time