Sp Binary Clock widget (com.spyfox.andoid.widget.spbinclock) on Google Play

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The real binary clock widget.First line for hours, second for minutes.Simple to use, the led values are :16 8 4 2 1 (24h) or 8 4 2 1 (12h)32 16 8 4 2 1 When the LED is on, add the correspondant value.ex (O : off ; X : on):OXXO => 4+2=6XOOXX => 32+2+1=35Time is 6:35You can change the color of the LED (red, yellow, blue, pink, green), the LED style (Led, 7-segments display), the background style (pcb, carbon, dark metal, transparent) and the time format 12h/24h, just click on the widget and press 'back' to apply.