Live News - BJP, AAP (com.sumitsingla.ndtvnews) on Google Play

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Get the latest headlines and live news about Indian Parties - BJP, AAP and politicians - Narendra Modi and Arvind Kejriwal. All news collected from across the internet at one place. Save news in categories to archive and read later.Achievements:Feeling proud of achievements made by Modi or Kejriwal – Now store all such stories in the achievements section with the touch of button. This section lets you remember all important events in a chronological manner.Scandals:Have a story about your leaders that let you down, a new item that needs further introspection and reading- Archive all such events in the scandals sections with a touch of a button. Share the news that matters to you:We the app not only you don’t need to look for various places for the story but also you can share stories on all major social media platforms such as:-Facebook-Twitter-WhatsAppCountry - India