Orchestral Suite No. 2 (Bach) (com.talanton.music.bachbwv1067) on Google Play

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This is an app that listen to Bach's Orchestral Suite No. 2 in b minor (BWV 1067). It is consisted of 7 movements and play time is over 23 minutes.The source is a partially autograph set of parts (Bach wrote out those for flute and viola) from Leipzig in 1738–39.1. Ouverture (Metrical sign of opening section is C; metrical sign of fugal section is 2 with a slash through it; metrical sign of ending section, marked Lentement, is 3/4)2. Rondeau - spelled Rondeaux by Bach - (metrical sign is ₵ )3. Sarabande (metrical sign is 3/4), with a canon at the 12th between the flute (plus first violins) and the bass4. Bourrée I/II (metrical sign is ₵)5. Polonoise/ Double (metrical sign for both is 3/4); the flute part is marked "Moderato e staccato" and the first violin part "lentement" (slowly)6. Menuet (metrical sign is 3/4)7. Badinerie (metrical sign is 2/4). Bach, in the autograph part, spells this "Battinerie".Instrumentation: Solo "[Flute] traversiere" (transverse flute), violin I/II, viola, basso continuo.Have a nice listening.