Digestive Health - Stomach Aid (com.uknowmo.stomach) on Google Play

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Often times we come down with a stomach bug and we can't seem to figure out how we got it. We're stuck at home, in the bathroom, feeling the most uncomfortable we've ever been. Maybe you got food poisoning, maybe its a viral infection, or maybe its something even more serious. Discover all about stomach and intestinal problems with the Digestive Health uKnowMo app. Learn all about: ● Common ailments of the stomach, like aches, gas and constipation ● Potential causes of intestinal disruption ● How to maintain proper gut health ● Diseases such as cancer, Celiac, Crohns and IBS ● Handling these diseases to live a better life ● Natural remedies for your stomach problems ● And much more! --------------- uKnowMo provides reader apps for those who are looking for information on specific subjects. All information provided is owned by uKnowMo unless directly stated otherwise. The information contained within is provided on an 'as is' basis, and in no event shall uKnowMo be held liable for any direct, incidental, consequential or indirect damages arising out of your access or use of this application. No information contained within should be used as advice, whether medical or otherwise, and a professional should be always be consulted if the situation involves health. We do our best to provide you with the most enjoyable user experience and the best information we can give you. Enjoy!