Baby Games Support (com.unlimitedpocketsoftware.babygamessupport) on Google Play

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Thank you for considering the Support version of Baby Games.This support version removes all ads in the standard application, even if they would only appear in the parents section as we are partnering with the cool HomeBase Lock Screen in order to generate some revenue and avoid direct ads in this game. So this is like installing two apps in one:- Baby Games with no ads and the extra Save feature in Baby Draw.- And the Lock Screen extension which will enable many cool features to the Android standard lock screen.You can off course stop using the enhanced Android lock screen at any stage, but I use it myself and it does add good value, I particularly like the quick shortcuts that I have configured to directly open WhatsApp or Email or the camera app for instance right after unlocking; so I think you will like it too.The app needs some new permissions which are needed for the enhanced Lock Screen to work.Please check the screenshots and send me your comments!