Diamond Cm12/12.1 (com.vogt.diamond) on Google Play

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This theme ONLY WORKS with CyanogenMod 12/12.1 theme engine. If you don't use a rom based on CM12 / 12.1, please, don't buy it!!!If you experience any ISSUES with the app, before writing a bad review, uninstall the app, select the default theme, reinstall and apply the theme Diamond, and then restart the device. If you still have problems contact me through my developer mail (crisvogtapps@gmail.com) or through my google plus community http://goo.gl/A0Ic8NWhat this theme contains?- Switches, buttons, colors and styles.- Icons.- System UI.- CM Browser.- CM Updater.- CM Music Player (Eleven).- CM Theme Manager.- Contacts.- Phone.- Dialer.- Gallery.- Settings.- Wallpaper.- Lockscreen Wallpaper.- WhatsApp.- Hangouts 4.0.- Calculator.- AOSP Keyboard.- Google Plus.- Gmail.- Google Keep.- Google Play Music.- Youtube.- Spotify.- Twitter.- Telegram.- Deskclock.- Play Store.- Google (Google Now).- Google Camera.- Email (com.android.email).Thanks to subtlepatterns.com & Visual Pharm.