Body Transformation Plan Full (com.workoutroutines.beatthegympt) on Google Play

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From Filling out your frame with new muscle isn’t as hard as you might think. This 12-week body plan, back-to-back approach is all you need!This bodybuilding app is perfect for those who want to pack serious muscle in short time. This 3 month bodybuilding routine contains the three fundamental principles of muscle growth:1. MUSCLES GROW WITH BIG LIFTS IN THE EIGHT TO 12 REP RANGE2. PROGRESSION IS THE KEY TO GROWTH3. TRAINING TO FAILURE (AND BEYOND) IS REQUIREDNow that you understand the underpinnings of the workout plan, here’s more detail on how you’ll be spending the next 12 weeks in the gym:1) In Phase 1 (weeks one to four), you’ll lay the foundation for future size gains selecting your 12 rep max for your base line working weight. 2) In Phase 2 (weeks five to eight) you’ll go a little heavier, selecting your 10 rep max, right in the middle of the magic growth range.3) in Phase 3 (weeks nine to 12), you’ll put your expanding muscles to maximum use. Keeping with the theme of progression, your eight rep max will serve as your base weight.For those who already downloaded "Hardcore Body Building", this app use the same system but the exercises are different, changed to give you the best result after this training plan! Any training program is only as good as the effort you’re willing to put in. We assume you want to pack on impressive muscle gains and are willing to put in the intense work required — now it’s your turn to prove us right! Just download the app and enjoy!