My Yoga class (com.yogatherapy.yogavibes) on Google Play

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99% practical Yoga app (Hatha Yoga mainly: asanas, pranayamas, relaxations included)Yoga practice bring musclar peace, release stress and emotions. It brings Peace, Joy and Serinity.This app has been developped from Hatha Yoga tradition with some practice of Kundalini Yoga (like relaxation which brings slowly to slowly in meditation state)My Yoga Class is a Yoga Vibration to practice Yoga. It has two classes of Yoga.Yoga works at different levels:-physical body (immune system, vascular, cardio, respiratory, sexual, digestive, ....)-endocrine system (brain, thyroïd, thymus, pancreas, testes, ovary)-chakras - dense nerve areas (muladhara, svadhistana, manipura, hanahata, vishuda, ajna, sahasrara)-sentiments and emotions levels (love, joy, fear, shyness, anger, jealous, sadness, ....)-it can help on a therapeutic level (can help for stress, insomnia, ...)Have a nice, peace practice of Yoga!