Deaf - Hearing chat device D ( on Google Play

WhoIs for 'hearing.deaf'
DH Chat is a system for face-to-face communication between deaf and hearing people without a sign interpreter.If you are a hearing person, you can communicate with your deaf relatives, friends, clients, employees and so on. If you are a deaf person, you can make a face-to-face conversation with hearing people without sign interpreter. You can use the system everywhere: at home, at your work, at restaurants, during your education and so on.The system consists of two android devices (phones or tablets), linked via Bluetooth.Install the “Deaf-Hearing Chat Device-D” application on the first device (which will be used by a deaf person).Install the “Deaf-Hearing Chat Device-H” application on the second device (which will be used by a hearing person).Run the applications on both devices and link the devices via Bluetooth.A hearing person speaks into the phone, the application transforms the speech into a text message and sends it to the Device-D (used by a deaf person). You can also exchange text messages between the devices.The system is very convenient for regular communication in families with a deaf family member. Each message is followed by vibration, so you can always call a deaf person, address him / her. The system may also be used by a deaf person to communicate with hearing people in a shop, a hospital, a bank, etc. In this case, a deaf person should have both devices with him / her and pass a device with a pre-installed “Device-H” application to a hearing person to start communication at any time.The application for the device-D, called Deaf-Hearing Chat Device D, enables a deaf person to type text messages on a virtual keyboard and to send them to the device-H (the button “Send”). Each sent message can be duplicated by the synthetic speech (the button “Speak and Send”). For the synthetic speech a speech synthesis module should be installed on the device (usually it’s installed; if it’s not it can be downloaded from Google Play, e.g. SVOX classic TTS or Pico TTS). The messages, received from the device-H, are shown on the display.Buying applications for the complex you’re contributing to rehabilitation of the deaf and helping them to adapt to the modern world of hearing people.