ExoNathan Histoire-Géo 2de (ean9782098131040.com.nathan.exonathanfr2de) on Google Play

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ExoNathan – the fun way to revise lessons!A fun way for your child to revise efficiently whenever & wherever he or she wants! Complete and easy to use, it offers a wide range of interactive exercises that allow your child to revise a full year’s work of Year 10 (High School) french lessons.This app offers numerous features:• 1,000 exercises allowing your child to diversify his or her homework with different types of exercises • 2 way to revise lessons “Practice test” 10 different exercises appear at random for any subject chosen“Test yourself” : allows children to test themselves in a limited time • A challenge mode can be activated in order to compete with friends (2 to 4 players)• A dashboard for tracking-progress is also available o Each exercise is scored out of 20o A tracker shows the child’s progress • Additional ressources :• Lessons to go over the main points• Hints to help the child answer questionso A removable blackboard for working out answers