Rock Paper Scissors Free (fr.corentindesfarges.pierrefeuilleciseauxfree) on Google Play

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Play to the game "Rock Paper Scissors" ! Choose you character, and defy the Ghost in this famous game. Will you know thwart his plans ?The Stone beats ScissorsThe Scissors beat PaperThe Stone beats RockIf both players throw the same shape, the Ghost is happy : Your wins' serie is stopped.What will be your best score ?Good luck and have fun !This game is also called Chifoumi (France), Papier Marteau Ciseaux (Switzerland), Schnick Schnack Schnuck (Germany) Roche Papier Ciseaux (Quebec), Morra Cinese (Italy), Papel o Tijeras (Spain), Feuille Caillou Ciseaux (Belgium)...