Play TCNJ (guardanis.tcnjrpg) on Google Play

WhoIs for 'tcnjrpg.guardanis'

Please note:This game is only for students at The College of New Jersey (TCNJ). You need a valid email address to play this game!!!About:Play TCNJ is a role playing game for students at The College of New Jersey. It is designed to help new students learn about the campus and develop better social skills by engaging them with real-world challenges and activities. Every aspect of the game is based on your physical geo-location on the TCNJ campus, making YOU the character by giving you the tools you need to succeed.Current limitations:At the moment, there are still several extended areas of PlayTCNJ that have not been fully implemented:-Only 1 mission type (Visit Location) is currently active-The social circle system GPS overlay has not been fully developed and only represents a fragment of the ideaThe Team:Play TCNJ was designed as a group project for IMM 270 by:Amy Conroy, Noel Quiles, Karachi Ukaegbu, Matt Silber