Wiz110SR (iSwitchLLC.Wiznet.Configuration.Tool) on Google Play

WhoIs for 'Wiznet.iSwitchLLC'

This Application is used to configure the capabilities of the Wiz110SR TCP-Serial board. YOU MUST HAVE A WIZ110SR MODULE TO USE THIS APPLICATION as the app is a configuration tool for the WIZ110SR.The WIZ110SR is a gateway module that converts RS-232 protocol into TCP/IP. It enables remote gauging, managing and control of TCP/IP devices through an RS-232 serial interface. In other words, WIZ110SR is a protocol converter that transmits the data sent by serial equipment as TCP/IP data type and converts back the TCP/IP data received through the network into serial data to transmit back to the equipment.Google search on WIZ110SR will yield many vendors. This is an inexpensive solution that can be found for under $30.00 USD.