Wallpapyrus (in.vineetsirohi.wallpapyrus_lite.free) on Google Play

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Forget Wallpaper; say Wallpapyrus.Wallpapyrus enables you to set wallpapers on android platform without the fuss of cropping images every time you set a wallpaper. Just select the image to set wallpaper; no questions asked. All kinds of portrait or landscape images can be set as wallpaper.Wallapers can be set from all the familier places like from homescreen, gallery and file managers. Just select Wallpapyrus while selecting images.Scroll/ no-scroll option works on all launchers.Note: Wallpapyrus requires live-wallpaper support.How to set a live wallpaper:Go to settings -> Display -> Wallpaper -> Live wallpapers -> Wallpapyrus -> Set wallpaper.Purchase the pro version to support the developer. Pro version has no permission requirements and is lighter.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=in.vineetsirohi.wallpapyrus_lite.pro