Local HTML Viewer (jp.ne.shira.html.viewer) on Google Play

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Lightweight Local HTML Viewer apps.Please use for verification of HTML and JAVA script file that you created for smartphones.You install a text editor, you can start with a tap or long tap, from the file selection screen.The developer of this app is authenticated to the official developer of andro Idah as a developer of a safe and secure application.https://androider.jp/developer/0942e3401a0d980f5d0f0278547838a1/Feature 1.Local HTML file viewing. - Support the Java script. (Switchable enabled or disabled from the Options menu.) - Page updates can be performed from the Options menu. - Viewing the files in the ZIP file. - Scaling of the browser. - Available in the landscape in portrait orientation. - Support the CSS file. - Install the "Text Viewer" application, you can view the HTML file in a text format. 2.File Explorer in SD card. - Ability to launch another application with support for notification intent. - The default path is "/mnt/sdcard". - Can move up / back key is pressed. - You can set an option to terminate the application directory back key is pressed. - Display a directory higher in the back key is pressed. - When booting from the other apps you want to display only files. - Display all the files - Display the updated date of file - Extension support is as follows.( .htm .html .xml .js .css .json )3.Introduction App "Text Viewer" - It is an application that refers to the text file. - The Long tap the CSV file, can also be viewed as a text file. "CSV Viewer" - It is an application to view CSV file.