TAG Ultimate (jp.taigashokai.postitnote) on Google Play

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"Perfect English correspondence"Tag application of the new generation who pursued the user's convenience.It can display anywhere, A tag can be created anywhere, It can edit anywhere!Tag color and a font are customized to oneself liking.Movement is also Drac and it is simplicity, Font size will also be changed if a character is small. Display a long text by scrolling or a whole sentence is displayed as it is, or when obstructive, it can do also undisplayed.It cooperates also with twitter or a mailer and copies also to a clipboard by a one tap. It was made not to pass the home of an application if possible so that it can be operated intuitively anyhow. If a fragmentary memo is rearranged freely and the flow of things is visualized, it becomes easy to catch the essence of things and is very effective for arrangement of thinking.Since there is also a free version, please use.