Speak and Learn (mobi.lab.fraze) on Google Play

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Free language learning for EU exchange students. Break through language barriers on the go with ‘Speak and Learn’. When going on an exchange abroad, many students have problems communicating effectively. ‘Speak and Learn’ offers a conversational language survival kit for 18 languages. In no time at all, you will learn useful words and phrases for real-life situations in a new country. Speak and Learn helps you to use a new language on the go, in various situations (e.g. at the airport, in a hotel, at the bus station, at university, shopping etc.) Functions * immediate language immersion * pronunciation training * learning of words, phrases and dialogues * successfully combines audio and text for effective language learning * add your own content Features * links to open resources* no need for Internet connection * multilingual phrase dictionary * features native speakers With no prior knowledge, learn the language you need to survive in a new country. The 17 EU languages are: English, French, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Romanian, Hungarian, Italian, Bulgarian, Slovenian, Greek, Turkish, Slovakian, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian AND Russian (used as a language of wider communication in parts of Europe).