Off the grid (net.rdyonline.offthegrid) on Google Play

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Off the Grid is effectively a password manager that will help you create different passwords for different websites. Passwords are generated by simply typing in text - the program will use a Latin square (of Sudoku fame) to scan for the password using a specific pattern. The generated Latin square (grid) can be printed out and kept safe so that passwords can be retrieved without a device.This application is a tribute to GRC's work on password generation using Latin squares: (Off the Grid) is particularly useful for sharing passwords. You can simply generate a grid and then scan in the QR code on each persons device; they will then all be able to retrieve the password for "example" by simply typing in "example".This password sharing could be useful for couples/colleagues with various shared accounts orIT departments that need to access the same servers with the same password.The following permissions are used:android.permission.CAMERA - this is to capture the QR codes for previous grids. android.permission.INTERNET - this is used to collecting analytics on usage of the application. android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - this is used to temporarily write an encrypted zip file to so it can be - this is used to keep the screen on while the password is displayed.There is no master password, so it is advised that you also have a remote wipe tool and lock code for your device.Warning: this app should NOT be used if your device has been rooted. Why? - Off the Grid relies on being sandboxed by Android; when you root your device other applications may be able to read inside the sandbox created for it.