BridgeEver(for Evernote) (net.trashfeed.bridge) on Google Play

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Allows for quick posts to Evernoteand Facebook, Twitter, Mixi will be considered.■Introduction■ Main function━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ note created note postscript multiple image attachment checkbox history template share SNS multiple simultaneous transmission (twitter, Facebook, mixi)■Feature of the paid version only • The position swapping stamp (format tool), show or hide Tag acquisition of Evernote · Delete hash tag on twitter of "#bridgeever" Control the number of the form (up to two free version) infinite■SampleTwitter) Can send multiple images at the same time- Select a notebook- Automatic setting of the title (date, time)- When you have exceeded the maximum number of characters, the ability to automatically send the split (Twitter)- Powerful template feature