AndroPlusMod (org.androplus.wedymod) on Google Play

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This Xposed module is made for Xperia 5.0.2 and later.Some options may work on non-Xperia devices.Xposed framework is required for this app.Change values of framework-res.apk:Show description beside icon on action barTurn off LED when charge completedDon't turn on screen when you plug/unplugDisable warning for big volumeDisable volume change soundSkip restoring network modeDon't prefer APNFix cell standby problemChange minimum brightness level to 5Disable "Choose input method" notificationDisable auto-rotation in dockAllow rotation in lock screenShow menu key in lock screenDon't force camera sound... and more!Tested with Xperia Z3 5.0.2.Some settings may not work on other device or android version.Please help translating this app to your language!