Numbusion (org.ange_david_martin.numbusion) on Google Play

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Numbusion challenges you to make the highest score by combining mental calculation and merging balls by color !Group the balls of the same color by pairs, and a new ball appears with the sum of the previous ones. If the sum is the goal number, you score points, but beware, if the sum is the proscribed number, you lose points !Thus, if the goal is 5, you must group two balls which total is 5 or 15 (2 + 3 + 7 or 8 for example), you then get the sum of the balls involved in points (5 or 15 in this example). The balls then disappear both.Conversely, if you do a sum corresponding to the forbidden number, you lose the same score and more new balls are added.As the game goes on, new colors appear and the time between the change of goal and prohibited numbers decreases, forcing you to play faster and faster .If too many balls appeared, the game ends .A typical game lasts a few minutes, at most 10 or 15 minutes.Tags: brain training, quick math, reflex, video game, quick reaction, short games