OzForecasts (org.ozeapp.ozweathermaps) on Google Play

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Animated Wave and Weather Forecast Maps for the next few days from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology.Displays temperature, wind, humidity, rain, swell and more.. many at different heights.Primarily Australian, but also displays the World, SE Asia, S Hemisphere etc.Nearly 300 different Maps - All available from the main screen.Complete with zoom, pause and re-wind buttons and with touchscreen drag/pinch/zoom."SAVE" button saves the current image sequence to your Picture.OzWeatherMaps folder.The pics names are like: "location.type.dateHour.png" eg: Aus.temp-3000m.2013062303.png= temperature for australia at 3000 metres at 3am on 23/6/2013. Known Issues:Some earlier phones (depending on memory), can stop from data overload. If this happens, re-start and it will resume from where it stopped.