Wifi Fixer (org.wahtod.wififixer) on Google Play

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This program is free software: you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software FoundationWifi Fixer is a background service that works around several problems with Android wifi, including: Wifi shows connected but internet data not available Known network in range but not detected Best network not used Supplicant frozen Supplicant in likely failure stateApps can’t prevent disconnections or boost low signals. Wifi Fixer will detect and attempt recovery when these problems are detected. You can tune your Wifi Acess Point's settings to minimize disconnections. Please refer to Wifi Fixer’s help documents for more information. Current version: 1.0.4Read Known Issues in app's built-in documentationFor full changelog, click on the project site linked in Developer InfoDon't use market comments for support: Please use email or project site linked in Developer Info.Wifi Fixer is an Open Source project.Rooted Users: If you use a utility to revoke permissions, Wifi Fixer will crash. All are necessary and documented at https://wififixer.wordpress.com/wifi-fixer/app-permissions/Wifi Fixer has no ads and never will.**Tasker users!** Wifi Fixer has had intents you can use for some time. See https://github.com/Zanshinmu/Wifi-Fixer/blob/master/wififixer/src/org/wahtod/wififixer/IntentConstants.java