Spelling USA (sickerstein.kiddiesapps.learning.spellingusa) on Google Play

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Spelling USA is a colorful learning app by KiddiesApps for all of you who want to practice the spelling of the names of the 50 US States ,their capital, memorize their statehood date and order, and also their nickname. Spelling USA has a spelling center and 3.How to practice spelling:1. The Map Button (bottom left) opens the Spelling Center.2. Tapping on a State of the US map opens the spelling sub-window. 3. Tapping on the State displayed in the sub-window spells the State. 4. Tapping on the capital symbol spells the capital. 5. Tapping on the star symbol writes the statehood date and displays the order.Rules:-- Re-tapping means re-spelling. -- Tapping on the spelled state`s name displays the nickname.-- Tap on the x to close the sub-window to select a new State.Memorizing Capitals:1. Capital Button opens the Capital Quiz.2. Select out of six the proper State. 3. Tapping NEXT gets the next capital in line. Rules:-- The 50 capitals are run thru one at a time in random order-- The line starts again after the last capital-- Tapping on the Capital Button always creates a new line of capitals-- The counters are reset with each new set of capitalsMemorizing Statehood Dates and Order:1. The Star Button opens the Statehood Date Quiz2. Select the State that was signed into law on that dateRules:Works like the Capital Quiz.Checking up Progress:1. The Flag Button open the States Quiz2. Either a State, or a statehood date, or an order number, or a capital, or a nickname are displayed randomly each time NEXT is tapped. Rules:Works like the Capital QuizEnjoy