Perfect Skiing (skiwaxapp.norwegian) on Google Play

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This completely commercial-free app will help you choose the perfect grip wax [kick wax] for your cross-country skis!It is very simple in use:Choose temperature and snow type, click the button and receive a complete guide to how you should prepare your skis with grip wax.As opposed to all other ski waxing apps I've tried, this app explains you both what wax [klister] to put as a base layer, what to put as a top layer, and what you should bring in your backpack or drink belt to ensure that you always have the grip wax you need during your trip.There's even an FAQ menu with help on how to measure the kick zone, how to remove wax, how to avoid all kinds of waxing problems while skiing, and an overview of what equipment you will need.At any time you may select language; so far it's available in Norwegian, Swedish, and English.The app is completely independent of all the ski wax producer; the tips are based on the wax I would have used myself. So if I advice you to use Swix Blue Extra or Rode Rossa klister, I do NOT get any money from Swix or Rode.More functions will appear in the future, so please let me know if there's anything you wish for.PS. I do not offer any kind of weather reports. You can find that other places, or preferably just look out of your window and check the thermometer! Touching the snow with your hand is a good way to check the snow type. Tasting it is not recommended.BTW, using the app does not require an internet connection.Index terms: ski wax, grip wax, kick wax, cross-country skiing, xc skiing, nordic skiing, klister, ski tracks, ski trails.