People's New Testament ULTRA (t4t.project.peoples.newtestament) on Google Play

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** FOR TABLETS ONLY - not for phones ** NOT configured for phones.** Language translation in App supports more than 60 languages **** INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED! **The People's New Testament by Barton Warren Johnson.People’s New Testament CommentaryA commentary that covers the entire New Testament! This famous 797 Page work by B.W. Johnson is an outstanding companion to anyone who wants to know more about the Bible.People’s New Testament Commentary contains the following topics to name a few:Books of the New Testament Harmony of the Gospels Our Lord's Miracles Our Lord's Parables Our Lord's Discourses and Conversations The Discourses in Acts of the Apostles Tables of Time, Measures, Weights, Etc A Table of Measures A Table of Weights A Table of Money Measures of Liquids Measures of Dry Things The Gospel According to Matthew Introduction to Matthew The Genealogy and Birth of Christ The Wise Men and the Flight into Egypt John the Baptist and the Baptism of Christ The Temptation, and Christ's Ministry in Galilee The Sermon on the Mount Miracles at Capernaum and on the Sea The Ministry at Capernaum The Call and Charge to the Apostles The Message from John the Baptist The Pharisees Take Counsel Against and Seek to Destroy Jesus Seven Parables of the Kingdom The Miracles Beyond and Upon the Sea of Galilee Christ and the Pharisees: The Woman of Canaan The Foundation of the Church The Transfiguration The Greatest in the KingdomMarriage and Divorce; The Rich Ruler The Laborers in the Vineyard; The Ambitious Mother Christ Entering Jerusalem The Marriage of the King's Son; Attempts to Entrap the Savior The Last Appeal to Israel The Judgments on the Jewish Nation The End of the World The Preparation for the Lord's Death Jesus Crucified The Resurrection The Gospel According to Mark Introduction to Mark The Beginning of the Ministry of Christ The First Conflict with the Scribes and Pharisees Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit Teaching in Parables Healing the Afflicted The First Commission Making Void the Law of God In the Coasts of Cæsarea Philippi The Transfiguration Christ's Law of DivorceThe Royal Entrance into Jerusalem A Day of Controversy Christ's Discourse on the Last Days The Seizure, Trial, and Condemnation of Christ The Crucifixion The Resurrection The Gospel According to Luke Introduction to Luke The Birth of John The Birth of Jesus Jesus Anointed by the Holy Spirit The Beginning of Christ's Ministry Christ Teaching and Healing The Twelve Apostles Chosen The Widow's Son Raised from the Dead Speaking in Parables The Transfiguration The Seventy Disciples Sent Forth Christ Still Teaching Joy of Repenting Sinners Introduction to the Gospel of John The Beginning of Christ's Ministry The First Miracle Christ and Nicodemus Jesus at Sychar. Jesus in Jerusalem Christ, the Bread of Life Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles Christ Teaching in Jerusalem The Man Born Blind The Good Shepherd The Work of the Holy Spirit The Lord's Prayer for His DisciplesThe Risen Lord at the Sea of Galilee Introduction to the Acts of the ApostlesThe Day of Pentecost The Sin and Punishment of Ananias and Sapphira The Martyrdom of Stephen The Missionary Labors of Philip The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus Peter's Defence Before the Church at Jerusalem Missionary Labors Paul at Athens Paul's Address Before King Agrippa The Epistle of Paul to the Romans Dying and Living with Christ Various Sayings of Christ Parables Concerning Prayer The Entrance into Jerusalem The Last Supper The Crucifixion The Risen LordPsalm 52:8 "But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God: I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever."You will find this Android version of our app packed with tools relevant for the ultimate Bible Scholar, devotional time, and guide as daily bread for life application.