Shortcut Widget (tw.tdchan.desktop) on Google Play

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Concept : If an application, a web page, or a phone call be used frequently, we usually create it on home screen.However, many shortcuts on home screen, is hard to straight find what we need. The conventional way to solve this problem is grouping these shortcuts in a folder widget, and this tool is another : grouping these shortcuts with a simple background.In this way, you can change the widget any size to fit you want, not only just a small folder. However, the widget occupies more screen space, so it is recommended for use on large device. How to use : 1. Find it in "Widgets" pages, and drag to home screen to launch edit mode.2. When in edit mode, user can drag the grid to sort.3. There are more style setting in the menu.After setting : 4. Some devices need time to handle the widget shows on home screen. Same processing when device reboot.5. User may re-edit the content by clicking the widget title.