Yojic M real (y.h.ymreal) on Google Play

WhoIs for 'h.y'

Welcome to the Yojic Matrix. The Yojic Matrix is a kind of a sliding puzzle. It seems classical puzzle, but new orginal puzzle. Small image on the device screen is your target goal. You should make the same image. You can rotate squares around a center square.(like Rubic's) Touch downward : clockwise Touch upward : counterclockwise You will reach the target goal after many rotations. Yojic M real is more difficult than other Yojics. Some are very difficult. Maybe, it would be better, after you use to other Yojics. It needs a lot of fundermental moving patterns. You will get fundermental better moving from the others. After that, after other Yojics, you should try to play Yojic M real. Yojic M real is a final Yojic Matrix. And it needs a lot of your own ideas. Maybe, you can find many new better ways in the Yojic. Maybe, the Yojic will make you imaging sbility. Maybe, it will improve your geometric ability. Anyway, would you give it a try, please ! Details (Google Search: Yojic Matrix)