GeoCalc (com.bitwize10.geocalc) on Google Play

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GeoCalc calculates geographic coordinates for the next point given a starting point, azimuth and distance. You may also calculate azimuth and distance between two given points.GaoCalc may be used for roadbook offroad racing, hiking, orienteering, geocaching, questing, for education, or anyone needing to calculate bearings and distances between coordinates.Calculations are performed using an accurate ellipsoidal model of the Earth's surface.FEATURES- Calculate coordinate of a point, given a start point, azimuth and distance- Calculate azimuth and distance between two points- Show calculated point on map- Use coordinates from current GPS position- Set calculated point as start point for quick consecutive calculations (continually enter only azimuth and distance)- Use either decimals or DMS (degrees, minutes, seconds) for coordinates- Use metric or US/imperial units- Various geodetic datums available (WGS84, GRS80, NAD27, SAD69 and ED50)- Optionally save all calculated coordinates- Send calculated coordinates to e-mail- Available in English, Italian, Spanish, Slovenian and Croatian language