Speak Czech (com.eduven.ld.lang.czech) on Google Play

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“Nothing is stranger to man than his own image”-Karel Čapek and a new language too. So we came up Speak Czech so that you can learn a new language. With more than 2000 words in 55 categories like Food, Numbers, Travel etc. Speak Czech is a free medium to learn a new language. Apart from this, a Quiz will make sure that you memorize all the important terms of this Speak Czech app and strategically placed terms in various categories will make it easy.This app is divided into the following categories- SportsToolsMedication & TreatmentEducation & LearningKitchenWine & Dine VerbsMoneyClothesWeather etc.Main Features:Switch Lingo- With 5 languages to choose from, Speak Czech from your language.Quick List- A list for a quick access for all those terms which you might use frequently.Favorites- A separate section for your favorite terms.Games- These interactive games prove that learning a new language is not difficult.BePro- This feature will unlock more categories thereby giving you an opportunity to learn more.There is more to Czech than Prague. There is beautiful art glass and profound literature of Kafka. If you want to get the real feel of Czech Republic, you ought to Learn Czech. Learn to Speak Czech free with this app and get deep insight of Czech Republic. Start your learning today with this Speak Czech app.