Grade Calculator ( on Google Play

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~~~***UPDATE***~~~App is currently undergoing final stages of recoding for better performance, look, and functionality. It will be released in the coming months at the very latest before finals comes around again.~~Welcome to Grade Calculator here to calculate all your grades for you!!This app was created using an app called Tasker! If you have not heard of it, then definitely go check it out on the android marketplace or visit the site @ . I couldn't have made my app without Tasker so big thanks to the people at Crafty Apps.*********************NOTE***************************I have not been able to integrate the use of the back button into the app *yet*. I am working on it (Either I am missing something obvious or I need to get in contact with the creator of Tasker for his instruction). As of right now, using the back button will exit the application and disable your auto rotate. Use the onscreen navigation buttons for the time being--they are in plain sight and easy to use. IF THIS BACK BUTTON PROBLEM WILL BUG YOU THEN DO *NOT* DOWNLOAD THIS APP.This app was designed with the purpose of allowing one to enter their earned points, total points available and decimal or percent weights in order to calculate his or her grade for that class. This app also has the functionality to calculate conditional grades. That is- if you know what your earned points are on your quizzes, home works, and midterms but not your final, and you want to know what grade you want to receive in you class. Enter all the known numbers into Grade Calculator and it will tell you how many points you need on the final to receive that desired grade. Also, occasionally you might get a weird grade back. Usually the Total Points input boxes are the culprit, so try reentering those values. If the issue will still not go away, then try calibrating the input boxes by clearing all values. *See help button or tutorials for more instructions. They are there for your benefit!!*I am open to and encourage constructive feedback. If you think something can be fixed/added let me know, and I'll be on it ASAP. Thank you to all my testers who put up with constant updates and requests!Thanks and enjoy!