Arduino Lounge Led Controller (com.marquesoft.RGBControllerPro) on Google Play

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You need an Arduino based Led controller to use this application.Lounge LED controller Pro is a RGB LED controller which can be used to make your own programs for RGB LED strips. You need:1 arduino Mega1 W5100 ethernet shield1 RGB Amplifier ($3 on ebay) or 3 N-channel MOSFETs such as the STP16NF061 RGB LED strip ($15 for 5m on ebay)some wiringEEPROMEX Library of course the arduino sketch: forum: the input wires of the RGB amplifier and connect them to the arduinored = pin 45green = pin 44blue = pin 46Connect the ethernet shield to your router[u]Favorites [/u]4 favorites buttonscan't be removedcan't be long pressedwhen clicked the program stops and the the Led will fade into the selected color in approximately 500 mstwo ways to store a color1 click left circle, select a color, click the inner circle, choose favorit 1 - 42 select a color with the sliders, click right circle, choose favorit 1 - 4[u]program loop[/u]max. 6 programed colorscolors can be removed in two ways1 long clicking thembuttons can't be clickedbuttons have an indicator to see in what color the program is.2 store them with color "black"two ways to store a color1 click left circle, select a color, click the inner circle, choose program 1 - 62 select a color with the sliders, click right circle, choose program  1 - 6The program loop will play when the "play button" is clickedtwo parameters can be set to control the program speed, "fade time" and "delay time"Fade time - time to fade from one color to another  (0-9  / 50ms - 3 minutes)Delay time - time to stay in one color before fading to another  (0-9  / 0ms - 3 minutes)[u]Left circle[/u]color picker to select any color you want [u]Right circle[/u]button to select the current color of the LED