Free Burger Games (com.mgpworks.freeburgergames) on Google Play

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Did you know there are hamburger games apps out there that can be as fun as eating one of those delicious sandwiches? We believe Hamburger Fun: Burger Games Free is certainly one of those apps and it's definitely for burger lovers of all ages. Ready to immerse yourself in hamburger culture? Read on...Click the Games tab to access the famous throw a burger game and Tic Tac Toe. To play the throw a burger game, you do not need to know many rules. Just swing back the catapult to hurl one of 5 hamburgers at any of the three silly clown faces. You need to bring them all down with the ammunition you have which shouldn't be all that difficult because the burgers behave like rubber balls and they bounce off walls. And don't worry about the burgers flying apart when you hurl them, for some reason they hold together really well!The tic tac toe game may not seem as fascinating at first glance but don't underestimate this game. It is not that easy to score a row, column or diagonal of X's or O's and you might get addicted! Although not truly a hamburger game, we put it over a fast food games wallpaper and included it in the app as we thought it would be a lot of fun. The more fast food games the better.Ready for some real hamburger culture now? Then click on the Sounds tab. There are thee windows to hamburgerland under this tab. Click BBQ Party to see what a real hamburger party looks and sounds like. Tap on the characters to hear the sounds. Next, let's see what a gluttonous burger eater looks and sounds like. Again, you need to tap on him to hear him munch and slurp - yuck! Okay, enough of him. Now click on Edgy Chef to see what a burger chef who is unsure of his cooking skills looks like. He may not be exciting to watch but hearing the sizzle coming out of his BBQ grill sure brings the fragrance of barbecue to your nostrils and makes you crave for one of those juicy beasts. Hold on now, we are not even half way yet.Click the Puzzles tab to access two burger puzzles. One is yellow and the other is blue. Well, just the frames. Now click the Randomize button to split the image into square tiles and to shuffle them in a random fashion. As you see, there is an empty space. Thanks to that empty space you can slide the tiles, one jump at a time, until you can eventually bring back the original image. It may take you some time to do this, especially if you are new to sliding puzzles, but you can always click the Preview button for a peak and there are no time constrains. How was that for burger games free?Now it's time to get serious. Click the Recipes tab and access two delicious recipes, one on how to cook veggie burgers and the other with unusual hamburger recipes. We figure you probably know how to cook regular hamburgers so skipped a recipe on those.And that was a walkthrough across the Burger Fun, burger games free, app. If you like this app, feel free to leave a review. If you found a bug or would like to make a suggestion, please contact the development team. Our aim is to see Burger Fun: Free Burger Games become one of the most popular fast food games in the Android market so we listen to user feedback. Thanks for downloading!