Magnet 2048 ( on Google Play

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Thank you for considering and downloading out Magnet 2048 by TapEvolve.IMPORTANT! (Date changed)You have a chance to register and win one of Silver ticket from Seawings Dubai. Ticket is worth $500 if you play our 5 minutes mode.To play simply join the same numbers from 2, 4, 8, all the way to 2048! Simple.2048 is a very addictive game and we have made a version of our own that we feel will engage you in this game. Try our version of 2048, its small, light but don't be mistaken! It will still give you the full experience of 2048!Features:- Light and fast- 5 minutes and Normal mode- LeaderboardsOur aim is to develop great free app or games for you with minimum ads, we would be very happy to hear your constructive feedback and will try our best to implement them. Thank you!Tap Evolve team