AndWOL 2 Ad-Supported (de.synchrotronlabs.andwolads) on Google Play

WhoIs for ''

This is the ad-supported version of AndWOL 2. The successor to AndWOL completely redesigned from scratch. There is also a pro version without ads and widget support.This version currently only works in (W)LAN.Features• keep-alive-service for home servers and Buffalo systems• neat design• networkscan• online-state of hosts• ConnectBot-Support• xml-import/export and sharingPermission-Usage• Access Wifi• Access Network State• Internet are used for WOL-Pakets, Network-Scan, Ping• Write External Storage is used for xml-import/export from/to sdcard• Write Settings is used for temporarily overwriting wifi sleep policy when using the new serviceMore infos about Wake On Lan: