Decision Maker Game (net.andromo.dev179638.app375033) on Google Play

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Find it hard to make decisions? Want a second opinion? Want to ask what the future holds for you?The Magic 8 Ball will do all this and is very simple to use. To use the magic 8 ball app all you have to do is type a simple yes or no question. Questions could start with one of the following words :Am I?, Are? shall I? can? could? should? did? would? will?.... basically any question that can have a yes or no answer.The Eight ball will not just give you a yes or no answer, you will be suprised at the variations in its responses!Ask any questions and get a decision on a dilemma or predict your future, love life, career, finances or in fact any subject to see what the future holds in store for you.Are the Predictions of the Free Magic 8 Ball Fortune Teller Accurate?While the predictions made by the Magic 8 Ball appear to be random and just an odds game, it is difficult to determine just how random the results are. If you are truly interested in receiving an accurate answer to your question, concentrate very carefully on your question and ask it only once.It is widely believed that the accuracy of the predictions of the Magic 8 Ball decreases if the same question is asked repeatedly by those who for personal reasons cannot accept the accuracy of the prediction. The first prediction is always the most accurate, so don't waste time lying to yourself if the Magic 8 Ball gives you an answer you do not like, first time.