Kids Quiz - Animals (shemetenga.kidsquiz.animals) on Google Play

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FREE Animals Quiz app for Kids - A fun app that contains more than 50 animal flashcards for kids to learn. And once they learn they through high quality pictures, kids can also play a game to test their knowledge.Features:★ Kids learn through play.★ High quality Animal pictures.★ Autoplay option available in Learning section. Parents can sit back and watch their kids learn.★ Option to turn sound On/Off, display animals in alphabetical or Random order available under Settings section.★ Animals seem to be the eternal favourites of kids.. ★ The Quiz is felixible and completly customizable. Parents can set the number of questions to 10/15/20 question or set it to endelss questions modes with a 3-error limit. ★ It’s FREE and always will be.Enjoy the game!